House & Patio
Best Indoor Plants for Winter
If you live in an area with cold winters, you probably won't get to spend much time in your yard for months at a time. Luckily, there's a number of indoor plants that will thrive in your home and satisfy your urge to garden until the weather warms up. We've put together this quick guide that lists some of the best indoor plants for winter.
1. Cold Hardy Avocado Tree
Are you a fan of guacamole? If so, a Cold Hardy Avocado Tree could make the perfect addition to your home. These fantastic plants have the capability of producing up to 50 pounds of avocados each year, so you'll never be short a healthy snack for you and your family.
Also known as Mexicola Grande, these trees are fast growing evergreens that bear fruit with a thin, glossy black skin, and can grow to an impressive thirty feet tall if they're not kept under control. Your home's temperature will be more than enough to sustain these avocado trees as it's been reported that they're able to tolerate temperatures well into the low 20s.
2. Meyer Lemon Tree
One of the best indoor citrus trees and arguably the easiest to grow, the Meyer Lemon Tree is a vibrant looking plant that will brighten up your home. It's best to buy a tree that's at least a year old, as younger trees may struggle with indoor life.
Growing an established lemon tree indoors can provide you with delicious fruit with a rich skin color that adds a summer-feel to your home through the colder months. Meyer Lemon Trees are relatively low-maintenance and should cause you too much trouble with regards to tending.
3. Dwarf Cavendish Banana Tree
Growing an indoor banana tree, such as a Dwarf Cavendish, can add a tropical feel to your home - perfect for those who are missing the heat during wintertime. Easy to grow and relatively low-maintenance indoors, these plants will provide you with stalks full of plump, green bananas, and when they do, simply ripen them in a dark place until the bananas turn that familiar shade of yellow.
4. Knock Out® Rose
The product of fifteen years of selective breeding, the Knock Out® Rose Tree will give you a vibrant source of color for nine months of the year.
This particular rose tree produces deep red, double petal blooms that are extremely easy to look after. They require minimal pruning during the winter and only the occasional trim for them to maintain their beautiful aesthetic.
5. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera plants are well-known for their medicinal properties, including relief from seasonal maladies such as sore throats and colds, thanks to their antiseptic qualities. What better reason to have one indoors throughout the winter?
This indoor plant is short and thick with gray-green leaves. The muted colors of the plant and its small size make this an ideal addition to smaller rooms and apartments.
6. Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree
The fiddle-leaf fig tree is the perfect choice for people who are looking for a plant to bring indoors during the colder months.
These trees are incredibly resilient and the moment they begin to outgrow the space you've devoted to it in your home, you can simply chop the top of the trunk - it will grow back from there and won't look stunted or deformed.
7. Areca Palm Tree
Areca Palm Trees are one of the most popular choices for brightening up a room. Chances are, you know somebody who uses one of these feathery beauties to great effect in their own home.
They're undeniably one of the easiest palm trees to grow inside - and one of the best looking, too. They’re renowned for being disease-free and have also been featured in NASA’s Clean Air Study of air purifying plants.
8. Dwarf Korean Lilac Tree
The Dwarf Korean Lilac Tree is a dense deciduous tree that can add a touch of spring to your home, even during the winter. An unusual plant that's sure to be a conversation starter, these trees are perfect for smaller homes and apartments.
The dark violet flowers are a beautiful addition to a room and when paired with other indoor plants, can transform the dullest area into something special.
9. First Love® Tabletop Gardenia
First Love® Tabletop Gardenias may look like pure-white roses, but they flower in a fraction of the time and hold a much more alluring scent. A superb evergreen that adds a touch of sophistication to your home, these plants have the potential to grow to your ceiling - so enjoy their table top size while you can by displaying them as a centerpiece on your dining table.
If you're looking for more plants to grow indoors and purify the air in your home for yourself, your family, and your pets, take a look at the fantastic range of winter indoor plants and patio plants available - we're sure to have something that's right for you.