Flowering Trees
Planting Wisteria Trees
A Wisteria Tree is made by grafting a wisteria vine on top of a standard tree trunk and root system. The standard trunk is as tall as the tree will ever get and the vine itself will produce the most incredibly fragrant flowers in early summer.
Wisteria Trees are drought, pest and disease resistant and have the ability to adapt to most any soil condition as long as the soil is well draining. This tree will grow best in an area that receives at least six hours of sun per day. Give the Wisteria lots of morning sun and late afternoon sun but do try to keep it out of the hot mid-day sun if possible.
Staking the Wisteria Tree is definitely recommended because the vines become laden with very heavy blooms that will weigh down the branches and cause them to snap. Do not use string or wire to stake your Wisteria Tree as they tend to cut into the bark and injure the tree.
Wisteria Trees do not as a rule like to be well-fertilized. A shovel of compost in the early spring before the plant really starts to bud out is all the food it requires for the entire season. Wisteria is an extremely rugged plant and can survive a wide variety of weather conditions, but if you live where it is very cold, it is recommended to provide a little extra TLC for your Wisteria Tree before the harsh weather arrives.
This can be accomplished by including a 4-6 inch base of mulch around the tree to give the roots some added protection and trimming away any dead growth you may find on the plant.
How to Plant the Wisteria Tree: Start by digging a planting hole wide enough to spread the roots without turning them or forcing them into unnatural positions. The hole should be deep enough so that the crown of the Wisteria Tree (the crown is where the stem meets the roots) is planted one inch below the surface of the garden soil. Place the tree in the planting hole. Begin filling the hole in with the soil, watering as you go to ensure there are no pockets of air space there and to create a muddy root hole.
After the roots are backfilled, it is recommend to firmly press the soil around the trunk. Finish by applying a 2-4 inch layer of mulch around the base of the tree to help retain moisture, cut down on weeding and maintain soil temperature. Soak the soil with a few inches of water right after planting the Wisteria Tree and continue watering 1-2 inches per week if it doesn’t rain.
Water a Wisteria Tree in the morning or evening on hot summer days, which will maximize water retention by reducing evaporation. Water slowly and only as fast as the soil can absorb it.
Be sure to cover the entire root system, which can spread out a couple feet from the base of the tree. Once your tree is established, it should be watered sparingly. It generally does not need any other water other than rainfall; however if your area is experiencing a drought, then water it about an inch every two to three weeks.