Crape Myrtle Trees
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Iconic growth in a rainbow of colors.
Is any tree more quintessentially southern than the Crape Myrtle? Whether planted as a singular specimen, a privacy screen, or a graceful, welcoming duo at an entranceway, the elegant, bold, brightly welcoming Crape Myrtle Trees define landscapes, North or South.
How to Plant Crape Myrtles
Specific planting directions will depend on the variety you choose, but most Crape Myrtle Trees like full to partial sun (4 to 8 hours of sun per day) and well-drained soil, as well as the correct growing zone, which depends on your location.
Where to Plant Crape Myrtle Trees
Provided there's sunlight and well-drained soil, you can plant your Crape Myrtles anywhere! When you're ready to plant, dig a hole large enough to accommodate your tree’s root ball, place your Crape and backfill the soil. Finally, water the surrounding soil and mulch to conserve moisture and keep away weeds.
How to Care for Crape Myrtle Trees
Establish a solid watering schedule, about once or twice weekly. If you’re not sure when to water, however, simply check your surrounding soil. If the soil is dry about 2 inches down, it’s time to water your Crape Myrtles.
To bolster growth, fertilize in early spring before blooming with a general-purpose blend and follow label instructions.
How Do You Prune Crape Myrtle Trees?
Crape Myrtle pruning may be controversial, but it's actually simple. For pruning, just remove dead, damaged or diseased growth for health. You may prune for shaping during the dormant season after blooms have faded, but you can let your Crape Myrtles grow naturally, too!