Cherry Trees

Only items for my growing zone

Cherries on cherry tree

Delicious, fast-growing cherries from your garden.

You can't get healthier fruit than home-grown! Packed with vitamins, such as C and A, and minerals, such as iron, potassium, and magnesium, cherries are an amazing treat with a ton of benefits. And with our easy-growing Cherry Trees, you'll have them from your own garden.

How to Plant Cherry Trees

Similar to many of our fruit varieties, Cherry Trees are easy to plant and keep, particularly since we have grown and taken care of them long before they reach your door. Basically, planting our Cherry Trees means you'll get fresh, healthy fruit without hassle.

How to Grow Cherry Trees

• When? Plant your Cherry Trees during late fall or early spring for best results.
• Where? Keep in mind that Cherry Trees love sun and circulation, so they should be planted away from buildings in a sunny location.
• How? Plant your Cherry Tree in a hole big enough to accommodate the entire root ball, place your tree and backfill the soil. Finally, water the surrounding area.

And because we’ve grafted and grown your tree for success, you can expect consistency and ease. We've put in the work to ensure your Cherry Tree thrives, long after it arrives at your door.

How to Care for Cherry Trees

Caring for our Cherry Trees is simple – we follow the four Ps: Planting, Pruning, Pollination, and Picking.

• Planting: Once you've got a sunny area with well-drained soil, place your Cherry Tree in a hole big enough to accommodate its entire root system, pack the soil tightly and water. Water thoroughly once the process is complete.

Pruning: Cherry Trees should usually be pruned during dormancy, at some point in the winter. However, some varieties (like the Sweet Fruiting Cherry Tree) should be pruned in late summer. Follow specific directions for your tree type.
• Pollination: Most of our Cherry Trees are self-fertile, but purchasing two or more trees ensures a dramatically-increased crop. If your Cherry Tree does need a pollinator, we've recommended the best pairing for each.
• Picking: Before your cherries are ready for harvest, white or pink blossoms will emerge in the spring. Once the fruit does grow, wait to harvest it until the fruit is firm and full in color. Sour cherries come off the stem when they’re ripe, and sweet cherries must be tasted before you determine ripeness.