Fragrant Tea Olive

Only items for my growing zone

Color, elegant character and intoxicating aroma are just a click away with our Fragrant Tea Olives, also known as the Sweet Olive. This wonderfully scented favorite is the perfect pick for year-round greenery and an amazingly inviting smell that greets guests and neighbors alike.

Planting and Caring For a Fragrant Tea Olive

Though specific planting directions will vary, knowing your growing zone is an essential first step. After you’ve determined your growing zone and decided that your Fragrant Tea Olive is suitable for your garden, keep sunlight and watering needs in mind. A Fragrant Tea Olive will generally prefer full sun to partial sun (anywhere from 4 to 8 hours of sunlight per day) and well-drained soil.

Once you're ready, choose an area with well-drained soil, dig a hole large enough to accommodate the shrub's root ball (plus a bit of extra width for mature growth), place your shrub, and backfill the hole. Finish by tamping down the soil, watering the surrounding area, and mulching to conserve moisture and prevent weeds.

Fertilizing and Pruning Sweet Olive Shrubs

Most Tea Olives do not require pruning unless you'd like to shape them, and well-balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, applied per label instructions is ideal.