Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus)

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Lily of the Nile is a Real Head Turner!

Those interested in adding bright bursts of color to their landscape certainly won't be disappointed with Lily of the Nile. This lovely perennial is quite the eye catcher. It displays multiple small, open flowers that form large, globe-like heads on stalks that often reach two feet in height.

This plant's long, strap-like leaves are dark to moderate green and remain well into late fall. These two qualities make this plant a fabulous choice for borders, backdrops and ground cover. However, it will display beautifully in nearly any part of the landscape.

Although it is now grown worldwide, Lily of the Nile's origins lie in South Africa. With large globes of small, sweetly fragranced white or blue flowers, this plant will certainly attract its fair share of butterflies and birds. Of course, many a human will fall in love with the sweet scent as well!

Little Maintenance Needed

This plant grows well in containers, rock gardens or in any part of the landscape - even when mass planted. In fact, those new to gardening will appreciate the fact that Lily of the Nile is a plant that requires minimal care.

Simply plant this darling in a nutrient rich, well-drained soil in a sunny spot. Be sure to water regularly, especially during the warmer months, but pay close attention not to overwater.

Create a perennial garden to die for!

Lily of the Nile will provide you with many years of garden enjoyment. Whether you choose to use this plant as an accent, for a border or as a ground cover, it can be a wonderful addition to your perennial garden. Mix with early spring and late summer bloomers for a show that lasts the full growing season!