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It helps us recommend trees and plants that are well-suited to the local climate, based on your Growing Zone.
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Meyer Lemon Tree
Skyrocket Juniper Tree
August Beauty Gardenia Shrub
Okame Cherry Tree
Fragrant Tea Olive Shrub
Skip Laurel Shrub
Weeping Willow Tree
Canadian Hemlock Tree
Ice Cream Banana Tree
Tamukeyama Japanese Maple Tree
Shazam Lantana
Autumn Blaze® Maple Tree
Dwarf Mugo Pine
Hollywood Juniper Tree
Australian Finger Lime Tree
Carolina Jasmine
Cape Honeysuckle
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar Tree
Fat Albert Colorado Blue Spruce
Show Time™ Crabapple Tree
Carolina Sweetheart® Redbud Tree
Pinkerbelle™ Rose
Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum Tree